How to Lose 12 Pounds in One Month
Run for at least an hour each day. You can split your run into a 30-minute session in the morning and another 30-minute session in the evening, but be sure to get in at least one full hour of running every day. (If you're not a runner, try another form of cardiovascular exercise, such as biking.) You'll burn enough calories to lose about one pound a week or four pounds in a month.
Reduce the number of calories you eat each day to 1,200. You'll be eating less, so you need to make healthy choices. Focus on fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish and nonfat dairy. To ensure you're getting the right amount of food, measure portions carefully. You can lose two pounds a week, or eight pounds in a month, by changing your diet this way.
Drink more water, and eat fewer starches and less salt. By drinking more water, you're giving your body the hydration it needs and preventing it from holding onto stored water. By eating fewer starches and less salt, both of which act like sponges and soak up water in the body, you prevent water retention from making you weigh more.