Diet Pills That Work for Women
Metabolism Stimulants
Many busy women find that they have trouble fitting enough exercise into their day. Others have reached a plateau in their exercise routine and need a little boost to keep them headed toward their weight loss goal.
Both types can benefit from diet pills designed to stimulate the metabolism. These diet pills not only help your metabolism burn calories more efficiently, but they can provide a pre-workout energy boost that will help burn more calories in a shorter period.
Several metabolism stimulants on the market feature natural ingredients like caffeine, guarana and green tea. Others have less natural but relatively harmless ingredients like Bioperin, Yohimbine and Forslean. However, some stimulant diet pills contain active ingredients like ma huang or ephedra that have been known to cause dangerous side effects.
Before taking any stimulant diet pill, consult your doctor as the stimulants in them can increase your heart rate and blood pressure and cause anxiety. These contain stimulants, so they temporarily increase your metabolism and make you burn more calories. But they also often increase your heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety.
Appetite Suppressants
Unlike men, women suffer from periodic hormone fluctuations that can easily derail a diet. If your diet is your biggest obstacle to weight loss, an appetite suppressant may be just the tool you need.
Some diet pills suppress the appetite through a stimulant similar to that found in metabolic stimulants and it is possible to find diet pills that do both. However, for those who suffer from anxiety or another medical condition that makes taking stimulants inadvisable, there are appetite suppressant diet pills that feature non-stimulant active ingredients that increase serotonin or catecholamine levels in the brain to trick it into believing it is full.
When trying a new appetite suppressant diet pill, be aware that it often takes six months for appetite suppressants to become optimally effective. However, if you don't lose at least four lbs. in the first four weeks of taking a specific appetite suppressant, it's time to try another brand with a different active ingredient.
Absorption Blockers
Some women lead busy lives that don't allow them to be as selective about their food choices as they would like to be. If this your primary obstacle, fat and carbohydrate absorption blockers can help you reach your weight loss goals by preventing your body from absorbing 100 percent of the fat and carbohydrates from the food you eat.
However, while absorption-blocking diet pills can be a useful tool, be careful about using them over the long term. In addition to excess fat and carbohydrates, absorption blockers may also prevent your body from absorbing important vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, blocking a portion of fat and carbohydrates is not enough to stimulate weight loss. An exercise regimen and some degree of diet control must also be implemented.