Swiss Detox Diet
The Swiss Detox Diet
The Swiss detox diet is based on principles found in the book "The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health: Dr. Rau's Diet for Whole Body Healing." Dr. Thomas Rau claims that in addition to losing weight, individuals who use his detox diet will regulate Ph balance, strengthen the immune system, purify the body, prevent illness, encourage total body healing, and rejuvenate the mind and body. Among the ailments the diet is meant to alleviate are diabetes, arthritis and allergies.
According to Rau, the small intestine is the culprit for many of the diseases that plague us. Eighty percent of the adult immune defenses live inside the small intestine, and in order to achieve a healthy body, the intestinal tract must remain alkaline (defined as Ph level greater than 7).
Rau believes proper nutrition plays a major role in the body's ability to heal, and that a better body can be built cell by cell. However, generating healthy new cells is critical, which is where good nutrition comes in. Rau's theory is that when the internal system malfunctions, it can be made vital again through the existence of healthy new cells made by the body.
Described as a controlled fast, the Swiss detox diet calls for an intensive one-week detoxification period where alcohol, table salt, sugar, dairy products and caffeine are eliminated. Meals consist of small servings of leafy green vegetables and high-fiber carbohydrates, vegetable broth and teas.
It is recommended that during the first week of the Swiss detox diet, exercise should be avoided in order to cut down on stress (stress of any kind can derail the program). Additionally, it is advisable to take a week off from work.
After the first week, Rau recommends a three-week diet period where larger portions are permitted and vegetables are plentiful. The book also offers more than 100 recipes.
Detoxification Tips
In general, when embarking on a detoxification program, there are a few tips recommend by experts that will produce an optimal experience. They include drinking two quarts of water daily; eating lots of fiber; taking supplements such as dandelion root, milk thistle and vitamin C; and deep breathing practices such as those found in yoga.
Detoxification Risks
While there are many experts who herald the benefits of detoxification diets, there are also many experts who caution against their use. Among the risks some experts warn against are lack of proper nutrients and the breakdown of muscle mass. Other side effects of detoxification diets may include fatigue, headaches and loose stools. Many experts recommend consuming a diet low in fat and portions, and high in fruits and vegetables, on a regular basis instead of a detoxification diet.