How to Get a Flat Tummy Without Surgery
Go to your computer and research diet programs to find one that works for you. A good website that offers many diet plans is This program is free. Start by taking the real age test.
Design your menu with a diet low in saturated fats. Include proteins such as lean meats, poultry and fish; high-fiber foods, such as whole grains and legumes and nuts; and low-fat dairy. This will help your body accumulate less unwanted saturated fat, the unsightly fat that settles in your tummy area.
Plan a fitness program. A good site for this is Include abdominal exercises to help burn off the fat around the belly area. Include cardio exercise, as this is great for your overall health and burns calories. Choose what areas you need the most toning for and let the web tool design a program for you. Burn exercises onto a DVD or use your computer to watch the videos.
Find space to do your exercises. A well-planned program is one you will stick to. Unless you have your own gym, you will have to find an area in your home where you can have room to exercise that is quiet and provides some privacy. You will need to have access to a TV or your computer. Keep your equipment (dumbells, exercise bands, mat) in this area.
Wear good sneakers for support. Learn how to protect your core while exercising. This will help you tone up quicker and protect your back. Stand straight. Keep shoulders back slightly. Pull stomach muscles in toward your spine and tuck your gut muscles in. Doing this will also strengthen your abdominal muscles, helping you achieve a flat tummy. Remember to breathe steadily, in and out. Avoid holding your breath while exercising.
Keep hydrated. Drink water while exercising and throughout the day to increase fluid levels and to help to flush fat toxins from the body. Avoid sugary drinks and sodas that increase belly fat
Keep a journal. Include the type and amount of food eaten and how often you eat during the day. Log your exercise by activity, exertion level and amount of time.