Chromium for Weight Loss
There are very small amounts of chromium in the human body. Chromium is a mineral that helps move sugar from the bloodstream and into cells where it can be used as energy. It assists in carbohydrate, protein and fat conversion into energy. Research indicates many people do not get enough chromium. As reported in Harvard Health Watch, a chromium deficiency may contribute to the development of heart disease and diabetes. Ironically, a chromium deficiency often leads to severe diabetes.
Chromium first gained attention as a possible treatment for animals with diabetes about 50 year ago. It is currently used as an additive for intravenous feedings for people with severe diabetes. Our main source of chromium is in the foods we eat. The mineral is found in whole grain products, high fiber bran cereals, broccoli, coffee, nuts, green beans, yeast and some types of beer and wine. It is also available in varying degrees in meats, fish, poultry and fruits. Conversely, foods that are high in sugar lead to chromium loss.
Weight Loss Effectiveness
There is a lack of agreement on chromium's usefulness in weight loss. An article in Health Magazine states chromium regulates insulin and may help boost metabolism. Chromium targets fat instead of muscle so clothes tend to fit better even when there is no real weight loss. For weight loss, the author of the article recommends a dose of 600 micrograms per day. For weight maintenance, the recommended dose is 200 micrograms a day.
An article published in the January issue of Harvard Men's Health Watch states chromium is useful for many things, but weight loss is not one of them. According to the article, "scientists...agree that (chromium) supplements are not effective in producing meaningful, sustained weight loss"
An article published in Better Nutrition indicates the mineral supports the body during weight loss efforts by helping to control blood sugar and by regulating insulin. The author is quick to state there is no supplement that will cause fat to magically drop from the body.
Most agree individuals should focus on a healthy diet to get the chromium needed to maintain health and well being.