How to Lose Weight in Legs, Thighs, Butt & Calves at Home
Things You'll Need
- Dumbbells or wraparound weights
Choose one or more activities that increase your heart rate, and perform them for at least 30 minutes five times per week. Running, power walking, step aerobics and dancing are just some exercises that are easy to perform at home or around the neighborhood. Pick an activity that you enjoy so you'll stick with it.
Perform strength moves that target the lower body two or three times per week. These exercises won't burn fat only in the areas they work, but they'll build lean muscle, which will give your legs, thighs, butt and calves a smoother and firmer appearance. Greater muscle mass translates to a faster metabolism, so you'll eventually burn more calories overall.
Moves to try include squats, lunges and calf raises. As you build strength, you can purchase light to medium dumbbells or wraparound weights to make the exercises more challenging.
Cut back on calories moderately. To lose a pound of body fat, you must expend 3,500 more calories than you take in, so try cutting about 250 calories from your daily diet. This is as simple as skipping one can of soda and using mustard on your sandwich instead of mayonnaise.
Make your calories count: Small treats are fine, but most of your food should help fill you up and provide energy for your workouts. Focus on lean protein to make you feel full and satisfied, whole grains for energy, and plenty of fruits and vegetables for flavor and nutrients.