Xenadrine EFX vs. RFA

Xenadrine EFX and Xenadrine RFA are both weight loss products manufactured by Cytodyne. Both products are manufactured to help their users lose weight, suppress appetite and boost energy levels. Xenadrine EFX and Xenadrine RFA have similar ingredients in their formulas, but there are some differences. Each product has some side effects that can occur from use. Before using any weight loss supplement, consult your physician before you try it to make sure it is safe for you to use.

    Xenadrine EFX Ingredients

    • Xenadrine EFX is comprised of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, pantothenic acid, tyroplex, norambrolide, polyphenols, tyramine, theobromine, yerba mate, guarana, L-Theanine, ginger root, grapeseed extract, talc, green tea extract, caffeine, magnesium stearate and gelatin. There are two proprietary blends in Xenadrine EFX. A proprietary blend is a compound or compounds found in the ingredient list for a product unique to a specific product. The proprietary blends found in Xenadrine EFX are a Thermodyne Complex and Isotherm. The ingredients used in each compound are listed on the packaging.

    Xenadrine RFA Ingredients

    • Xenadrine RFA contains tyroplex, green tea extract, tyramine, yerba mate, guarana, tribasic calcium, DL-Methionine, L-Theanine, ginger root, DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol) and grapeseed extract. In addition to ingredients listed separately, Xenadrine RFA contains two proprietary blends. Those two proprietary blends are Seropro, a cocoa extract that contains phenylethylamine, and Isotherm, a mix of pentahydroxyflavone and tetrahydroxyflavone.

    Xenadrine EFX Side Effects

    • Use of Xenadrine EFX may cause side effects, such as nausea, loss of appetite, headache, constipation, dehydration, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, increased anxiety and sleep complications. An ingredient found in the original formulation of Xenadrine EFX, ephedra, was banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2004. Xenadrine EFX is now manufactured without ephedra and does not carry an advisory warning from the FDA.

    Xenadrine RFA Side Effects

    • Xenadrine RFA has a similar list of side effects to Xenadrine EFX. Side effects that may occur from the use of Xenadrine RFA include headache, nausea, loss of appetite, dehydration, constipation, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, sleep complications and increased anxiety. The original ingredient list for Xenadrine RFA also contained ephedra, but it is no longer in the formula for the product. There is not a U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory warning for Xenadrine RFA.

    Cost And Availability

    • In 2009, both products could be purchased for less than $40. They are available online, as well as in many national retail outlets.

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