How to Get a Ripped Six-Pack
Stop eating processed foods, fast foods and other foods that are loaded in fats, such as hamburgers, french fries, cookies, candy bars, potato chips and pizza.
Lay off of the fried foods. Instead, eat more foods that are baked or broiled.
Eat natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and foods that are high in protein and fiber.
Foods, such as nuts, eggs, fish, chicken, and turkey, are high in protein. Bran cereals, wheat and various types of beans, such as lima, kidney and baked beans, are examples of high-fiber foods.
Drink plenty of water, at least eight 8-ounce glasses a day.
Participate in cardiovascular activities, such as running, biking, dancing and walking. These activities will help burn the fat that is sitting in the six-pack area.
Do abdominal exercises, such as crunches, reverse crunches and sit-ups three days per week. See the link in the Resources section for sample abdominal exercises you can do.
When doing the crunches and sit-ups, be sure to exhale as you come up and inhale as you go back to the starting position. Attempt to do three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions per set.
Limit your caloric intake. About 3500 calories is the equivalent of one pound of body fat. In order to lose the fat from your abdominal area, be sure that you are burning more calories than you are consuming.