How to Lose Weight on Frozen Foods
Determine how many calories you should eat to lose weight: In order to lose weight, you need to reduce the amount of calories you eat. Most people can lose weight by eating between 1200-1500 calories per day, but if you are very active, you may need to eat more. Web sites can help you to determine how many calories you should eat. Once you know the daily limit, divide that between three meals and two snacks. When looking at frozen meals, be sure that the meal is within this limit.
Research frozen food options: You can talk to a representative at Jenny Craig, which specializes in helping people lose weight with frozen food. Alternatively, the frozen food section of your local supermarket has a number of different options. Carefully read the nutrition labels. Some frozen meals are not healthy. Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine are two brands to consider.
Try a few of the frozen meals to see if you like them: Some people don't enjoy eating frozen foods, so before you spend a lot of money, taste test several meals to see how you like them. Pick a few brands and try the foods that you like.
Purchase enough frozen foods to last a week: Choose the meals that you liked the best from your taste testing and purchase enough food to last for the week. You should purchase enough for breakfast, lunch and dinner if you plan to eat nothing but frozen meals. If you'd like a treat, you can also find low-calorie frozen treats, such as ice cream and fudge bars.
Supplement frozen meals with fruits and vegetables: You shouldn't eat just frozen foods. Make a salad to go with your frozen meal. Eat fresh fruit for snacks. Fresh fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients and low in calories.