How to Lose 300 Pounds
Consult your doctor before you start any weight loss program. Discuss with her your goal of losing 300 pounds. Ask her if you are healthy enough to engage in a regular exercise program. Ask what calorie intake is necessary for you to lose weight healthfully. Ask how to measure calorie intake. Request that your doctor monitor your progress so that you remain healthy as you lose the extra weight.
Add exercise to your daily routine. Aim to exercise for 30 to 45 minutes at a time within three months. Start by taking a daily stroll down your driveway. Climb up and down the steps of your house. If you are unable to walk, do arm lifts and leg lifts while you are sitting. Begin with five to 10 minutes of continuous exercise and add a few minutes each week until you reach your goal of 30 to 45 minutes. Rest briefly, if you need to, but keep moving.
Eat smaller portions of food. Instead of eating a large bowl of cereal, opt for half the amount. Choose to one baked potato instead of two. When you go out for a meal, eat half of your entrée and take the rest home for a later meal. Remember your goal of losing 300 pounds as you choose how much to eat. Doing so will keep you focused and on track.
Switch to fruits and vegetables as snacks. Eat an orange when you get hungry in the middle of the day rather than a bag of chips. Keep a bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter instead of a candy bowl. Make a salad to go with supper every night. In addition to helping you lose weight, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables daily helps reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease and certain cancers.
Cut out sugary drinks, such as soda, and drink more water. Drink at least 160 oz. (20 glasses) of water daily to aid your loss of 300 pounds. Avoid coffee, tea and soda, as they can dehydrate your body as well as add calories.
Eat smaller, healthier meals. Instead of three large meals, eat five or six smaller meals. Eating smaller meals will keep your metabolism high and help prevent you from overeating. Divide the calorie intake suggested by your doctor as evenly as possible into the meals. Doing so will ensure that you stay within the calorie recommendations for losing your 300 pounds.
Partner with an someone who will hold you accountable for sticking with your new lifestyle. Have him call or email you daily for the first few months as you are adjusting to healthier living. Ask your accountability partner to come exercise with you twice a week. Have a meal with him once a week. Ask him to remind you often that you have to lose the 300 pounds for your health. Having someone who will hold you accountable for your weight loss will make it easier for you to stay on track.
Consider gastric bypass surgery. This procedure changes your digestive system by stapling, removing or placing a band around your stomach. This procedure is for people who have been unable to remain at a healthy weight through healthy diet and exercise practices. According to Mayo Clinic, "the success of the surgery depends in part on your commitment to following the guidelines given to you about diet and exercise."