How to Overcome Gluttony & Lose Weight
Start small and reduce your food intake gradually. For example, if you are used to eating three plates of spaghetti at a time for dinner, do not try to all of a sudden limit yourself to eating just a half a plate full. Instead, cut back little by little, one portion at a time, until you reach your desired amount.
Try to avoid foods that tend to trigger your tendency to overeat. It may be easy for you to eat an entire chocolate cake, but you may be less likely to eat an entire bag of spinach, for example.
Surround yourself with healthy, filling food options instead of foods with empty calories. Foods high in fiber and protein may be good choices to fill you up without giving you extra empty calories you don't need.
Focus on your food while you are eating. Too many people get into the bad habit of eating while watching TV, playing online, or having a deep discussion with others. This can lead to you not realizing how much you are eating and not being aware of when your body signals that it is full.
Make overeating inconvenient. It's easy to help yourself to seconds when you have a big plate and all the serving dishes with food within easy reach. However, if you only have a small plate and have to physically get up and walk across the room for seconds (or better yet, unpack or recook something), it will make it more of a hassle and you'll be less inclined to eat that extra food.
Check for a connection between overeating and your emotions. Many people do not eat because they are hungry, but rather because they are emotional and are using food as a way to comfort themselves. It may be beneficial to keep a daily log of your emotions and food intake to determine if there is a connection between your gluttony and emotions. If there is, consider counseling or other means to resolve those issues.
Consider joining a weight loss support group or program. Being involved in a weight loss group with other people may not only hold you more accountable, but may also provide you with additional tools and emotional support as well.