How to Lose Weight Fast Today
Things You'll Need
- Hard Candy
- Heavy Clothing or Sweat Suit
- Caffeinated Drinks (i.e., coffee or soda)
- Laxative
How to Lose Weight Fast Today
Avoid eating anything salty today. Salty foods tend to retain water in your body, and excess water weight will not help your cause. In fact, you will need to do your best not to add any weight, which means you will have to eat sparingly and lightly today.
Avoid drinking water. If you were trying to lose weight over a long period of time, then drinking water would help. But if you are trying to lose weight fast today, you will need to avoid water because it will only add weight.
Drink caffeinated drinks. The caffeine will help in two ways. It will increase your heart rate, which in turn will help you to sweat. This will help you to lose some of that water weight as well. By acting as a diuretic, the caffeine will help you to urinate more, which will also help to get rid of some water weight.
Exercise lightly. Going for a light bike ride, jog or even a run will help you to start sweating. This sweat will help you lose some excess water weight as well. You can promote more sweating by wearing heavy clothing, such as a sweat suit or jogging suit. This is a technique that many wrestlers use to lose water weight in order to compete at their weight class.
Suck on hard candy. When you suck on hard candy, saliva will build up in your mouth. You will then start to spit the saliva out. This will also help you to get rid of water weight. While this may not sound like it will make much of a difference, you will find that, combined with your other efforts, it will help you to shed some unwanted pounds quickly today.
Take a laxative. If you are looking to lose more weight, you can take a laxative as well. Doing so will help you to empty your stomach of any food and will help you to lose even more weight. While this tip is given for losing weight quickly today, it is not one that is recommended over a long period of time.