Fast Weight Loss Without Pills
Think Yourself Thin
You have got to want it to get it. Ask any successful dieter and he will tell you that he had that "a-ha!" moment. Unless you are ready, do not bother. You need a goal and a reason for your weight loss. The goal can be as simple as fitting into your skinny jeans. The reason, however, should be profound. Perhaps you can no longer run up a flight of stairs. Write it down and read it every day.
Clean Out Your Kitchen
Get rid of all the high-fat and trigger foods. Empty your cupboards of chips, processed and packaged foods. Scour your refrigerator for diet disasters like high-fat cheeses, mayonnaise and fatty lunch meats.
Go Shopping
Remember this is a short-term diet. It will be hard, but short lived. Supply yourself with coffee, sugar-free drinks, skinless chicken and fish. Stock up on non-starchy vegetables and low sugar fruit like blueberries, peaches and apples. Find a low sugar, low fat vinaigrette dressing for salads. Allow yourself one treat that you will not be tempted to overdo. One good idea is prepackaged 100 calorie ice cream bars. A good rule of thumb is to stock up on high fiber food with a high water content.
The 3-Day Plan
Eat six meals, three hours apart. Eat your last meal no later than 8 p.m. At each meal, have a protein (two to three ounces), whole grain (1/4 to 1/2 cup brown rice or 1/2 to 1 slice whole-grain bread), as many green, yellow and red vegetables as you want, or one piece of low sugar fruit like apples or peaches. Vegetables are lower in calories than fruit, so save your fruit as a treat.
To help you stay on track, allow your last meal to be a dessert. You can have a 1/2 cup ice cream with 1/2 cup fruit slices or a 100 calorie ice cream bar. Another option are the pre-packaged 100 calorie snacks.
A Word of Caution
It is always best to consult your physician before undertaking any extreme diet.