How to Help Lose Weight Fast On A Cheap Budget
What has worked best for me over sometime now is to have about 80% of what I eat be fruits, vegetables and meats. Make a list of about 15-20 items of fruits, veggies and meat that you want to buy. To save a lot of money on produce you can get a wide variety from the 99 cent store! I am serious and the produce has always been great in my opinion.
If I were you I would be to consumed with calories counting and fat grams as that can become overwhelming and help lose weight easily. If you can just stick to natural foods like lean meats, nuts, legumes, fruits and vegetables with natural seasonings and olive oil you will not need to go overboard on the watching calories.
To save money on produce and help lose weight buy frozen vegetables. You will be able to keep them longer if you buy them frozen and that will save you lots of money. They can cost you anywhere from $.50-$1.50. You can shop at Walmart or even the 99 cent store to get your produce now for really cheap. I buy mine from the 99 cent store and I end up saving at least $20 on produce!
If you are craving carbs eat some oatmeal, whole grain bread or brown rice. These should not be your staple as they will not help lose weight quickly. I would say once or twice a week, but definitely not everyday.