How to Get a Flat Tummy in Three Weeks
Things You'll Need
- Fresh fruits
- Fresh vegetables
- Water
- Treadmill
Buy only raw foods and fresh fruits and vegetables. Spend time in the produce section of your grocery store and pick out the fruits and vegetables you enjoy. Stay completely away from processed foods---basically anything that comes in a box or package. Avoid foods that contain chemicals and additives, and absolutely avoid sugar or carbohydrates. Keep meats to a minimum and eat them only if they're lean.
Drink about a liter of water every day, to further flush toxins from your system. Do not drink juice, as it contains sugar. If you want to drink milk stick with nonfat, 1% or a nonfat soy milk. If you need a cup of coffee in the morning, skip the sugar or creamer and use just a dash of nonfat milk or take it black. Use the same principle with tea.
Fight your cravings by allowing yourself the foods you love in moderation and cut calories wherever you can. If you want an egg, separate the white from the yolk. The yolk in the egg is what holds the most calories. If you are craving protein, eat nuts such as almonds, seeds, rice and whole grains. Lean meat should be eaten, if at all, in small portions.
Start off gently with your cardio or aerobic routine so you don't exhaust yourself or strain muscles. Stretch your whole body for five minutes or longer before you begin any workout. Get on a treadmill and start out by walking at a brisk pace or "power walking". Switch to a sprint and then back to the power walking. You can also do this outside or do any other cardio workout for 30 minutes every day or every other day. Cardio is more effective for trimming fat off the abs than ab workouts, which will only build muscle under the fat.