How to Flatten Your Stomach & Trim Your Waist

Flattening your stomach and trimming your waist require patience and work. But it's worth the effort. Aside from obtaining your ideal body, losing abdominal weight lowers your risk of fatty liver disease and reflux disease. There are several ways to get a flat stomach. The key is finding a fitness plan that works for you.

Things You'll Need

  • Water (natural diuretic)
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      Lower fat content. Pay attention to your fat consumption and modify your diet. Limit fast and fried foods, and choose whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean meats. Select low-fat alternatives such as skim milk and low-fat yogurt.

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      Experiment with a low-carbohydrate diet. Eat fewer carbs to stop water retention and reduce food cravings--less than 30 grams a day.

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      Exercise to shed body weight and flatten your stomach. Engage in at least 30 minutes of activity a day, at least three times a week. Effective workouts for weight loss include aerobics, running and walking.

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      Work your core muscles. Incorporate exercises that specifically target your abdominal muscles such as crunches, swats, leg lifts and Pilates.

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      Flush water to reduce fluid retention. The accumulation of water in your body causes extra weight that tends to settle in the stomach and lower body. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to lose water weight and trim your waist.

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      Reduce abdominal bloating. Intestinal gas and bloating can make your stomach look larger. Eat 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day to reduce bloating, and avoid foods that bring on gas and bloating such as onions, broccoli, cauliflower and carbonated drinks.

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      Manage stress. There is a connection between stress and stomach fat. The body releases more cortisol when under stress, and an increase in this hormone redistributes fat to the stomach. Decrease stress with breathing techniques, a massage, a hot bath or listening to music.

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