Dr. B Diet Foods
Dr. Bernstein
Dr. Bernstein is a Canadian doctor with more than 35 years of experience treating overweight individuals and helping them lose weight. Disappointed with the medical industries treatment of obesity, Dr. Bernstein began developing a vitamin injection that helps with weight loss back in the 1970s. To date, he has helped more than 300,000 people lose weight and is self-described on his website as "Canada's leading authority on healthy, rapid weight loss." As of late 2009, Dr. Bernstein has 65 clinics across North America where individuals can undergo the Dr. B. Diet.
The Diet
The Dr. B. weight loss program combines healthy, low-calorie food with vitamin and mineral supplementation. Prescribed medication and regular blood testing may also be part of the diet, depending on the individual. The diet stimulates the breakdown of fat in the body so it can use that fat as energy, allowing people to rapidly lose weight. The diet also ensures that dieters stay appropriately hydrated and do not lose any muscle tissue. The program also includes behavior counseling, so the dieter continues his weight loss success after completing the program.
On the Dr. B. Diet, people can eat an array of low-calorie foods such as celery, mushrooms, tomatoes, lettuce, bean sprouts, cabbage, tomato sauce, apples, oranges, lemons, bell peppers, artificial sweeteners, veal, chicken, shrimp, tuna and white fish. Triscuit crackers and Melba toast are allowed as bread substitutes, and bay leaves, dried herbs, caraway seeds and soy sauce are permitted seasonings. Herbal tea, decaffeinated coffee and club soda are acceptable beverage on the Dr. B. Diet.
The Dr. B. clinics also sell protein supplements in the form of shakes, bars, soups and oatmeal for people who are traveling or otherwise in a position where they cannot make proper food choices that are consistent with the diet.
The Dr. B. Diet is a low-calorie diet in which dieters consume, on average, only 850 to 950 calories per day. While the recommended daily caloric intake depends on the weight, height and activity of each person, the United States Department of Agriculture recommends an average of 2,000 calories a day.