The Side Effects of Hypershock
Water Retention
Nutritional supplements which contain creatine, such as Hypershock, can cause the body to retain more water than usual. Creatine causes water to be drawn to both fat and muscle tissue. This water retention causes swelling throughout the body, most notably in the muscle and fat tissues where the creatine in being stored. This swelling effect is often perceived as a rapid increase in muscle mass when, in reality, a large percentage of the volume increase in the muscle is water. Hypershock can cause bloating. Employ a low sodium diet while using Hypershock, as too much sodium can lead to excess water retention.
Dehydration can occur from using Hypershock. Dehydration occurs because too much water is drawn from organ tissues to muscle and fat tissue. Avoid dehydration while using Hypershock by increasing fluid intake. Before any exercise routine or workout, make sure that you are well hydrated. Exercising or working out while dehydrated can lead to heat exhaustion, and in extreme cases heat stroke, or even heart attack.
Muscle Cramping And Injury
Muscle cramping can occur when using Hypershock. Do not exceed the dosage recommended on the packaging. Too much creatine in the body may cause dehydration, which can lead to muscle cramping. Avoid exercise with cramped muscles, as it increases the likelihood of muscle tears, ligament damage, and sprains.
Gastrointestinal Distress
Gastrointestinal distress is a possible side effect of Hypershock use. Symptoms of gastrointestinal distress include excess flatulence, stomach cramping, diarrhea, and nausea. Generally, the gastrointestinal distress occurs due to excess creatine settling in the stomach before excretion. Take your dose of Hypershock with a 16 oz. glass of water or juice to help avoid gastrointestinal distress.
Stress On The Kidneys
Using too much of the Hypershock supplement has the potential to cause increased stress on the kidneys. The kidneys must work harder to remove excess creatine from the bloodstream. People with a preexisting health condition that affects the kidneys should consult a doctor before using Hypershock. Too much stress on the kidneys can cause fatigue, and in extreme cases, kidney failure.