How to Remove Water Weight

Sometimes, your body holds on to a lot of water, making you feel bloated and uncomfortable. If you want to get rid of water retention, pay attention to your diet for the next few days. While you can get rid of bloating through over-the-counter medicines, there are also a number of natural methods to remove water weight. Find the one that works for you and you'll be fitting back into your clothes in no time.


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      Drink more water. While it seems counterintuitive, you can actually lose water weight by adding water. Your body knows it needs water and if you are not giving it enough, it retains the water that it has. By drinking enough water, you're telling your body that it doesn't have to worry about water, and it will release the water it's been holding onto. To make this easier, keep a bottle of water with you at all times.

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      Avoid salty foods. Sodium, or salt, causes your body to retain water. If you're eating foods high in salt, you may have water retention problems. Skip the salt shaker when sitting down to your meal and carefully read labels for the foods you eat. You may be surprised at the number of foods that are high in salt, such as vegetable juice or spaghetti sauce. Instead, use other spices to flavor your food.

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      Forgo the sugary foods as well. Sugary foods can also cause you to retain water. Pass on the doughnuts and candy for a few days. Also consider giving up refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pasta.

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      Take a diuretic. A diuretic increase the amount of urine, which reduces water weight. You can purchase a diuretic over the counter in a pill form. You can also use natural diuretics, such as apple cider vinegar, fennel or green tea. Some foods, such as cucumbers, watermelon and asparagus, also have diuretic properties, so try to focus your diet primarily on these types of foods for a few days until you get rid of your bloating.

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      Visit your doctor if the problem persists. If you find that you're constantly bloated and these methods are not working for you, visit your doctor. There could be a medical reason for your water retention. For example, heart disease, liver disease and high blood pressure can all cause water retention.

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