HCG Injection Dangers
HCG has a number of medical applications. Its primary function is a fertility treatment. Use of the drug can promote ovarian function by encouraging healthy egg production and stimulating the release of an egg. It is also used to increase sperm count in men.
Though not FDA approved, it has more recently been touted as the latest weight loss wonder drug.
Many weight loss clinics promote the use of HCG, claiming that patients can lose up to one pound per day. The concept is that HCG injections suppress the hypothalamus and curbing the appetite. Proponents suggest that HCG mobilizes fat stores and makes that fat available for the body to use as energy.
A study published in the Western Journal of Medicine found that when compared to a placebo in a double blind study, HCG caused no increase in weight loss.
Some argue against the claims of the injections' value in boosting weight loss. They say the injections are administered while the patient is adhering to a 500-calorie-per-day diet. Extremely low-calorie diets will result in rapid weight loss, but the weight is more difficult to keep off over the long term.
The Food and Drug Administration has not approved HCG injections as a weight loss tool. Most doctors and dietitians recommend a safe weight loss of one to two pounds per week. This is considered a healthy rate and the most effective for long-term results. Consult with your physician to determine how many calories you can safely cut from your diet.
If you are using HCG injections for fertility purposes, stop using the drug as soon as you become pregnant. HCG injections are classified as a Category X drug during pregnancy, meaning its use can be harmful to your fetus. The use of HCG for fertility can increase your chance of multiples.
Reported side effects with HCG include shortness of breath, headaches, urinary problems, depression and irritability. Contact your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.
Some women using this medication have developed a condition called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, which can be life threatening.