Lipozene and Weight Loss
Features of Lipozen
Lipozene contains glucomannan. Glucomannan "is an unabsorbable polysaccharide derived from the konjac root," according to, an website that reviews over-the-counter weight loss products. Glucomannan works the way other fiber supplements work: by making you feel full so that you are far less likely to overeat and by slowing the emptying of the stomach.
A study published by the University of Connecticut Schools of Medicine indicates glucomannan does increase weight loss. The researchers performed a statistical analysis on several glucomannan trials to determine its impact on body weight, blood pressure, plasma lipids and fasting blood glucose. The results of the analysis confirmed that glucomannan does lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, body weight and fasting blood glucose. The study suggests taht Lipozene may provide some health benefits for individuals suffering from obesity. The exception is for individuals with "impaired glucose metabolism." Glucomannan does not lower HDL cholesterol levels (the good cholesterol) or blood pressure, according to the study, which was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. HDL cholesterol can help prevent heart disease while high blood pressure is a contributor to heart disease.
Effects on Nutrients
Some evidence suggest that glucomannan may prevent the body from absorbing and fully utilizing nutrients. Individuals who take Lipzsene should also take a multivitamin, according to
Lipozene Alternatives
Lipozene can be very expensive, depending on where it is purchased. Experts claim the same benefits can be obtained by adding 14g of fiber to your diet on a daily basis, according to This fiber can be obtained by drinking a glass of water mixed with a fiber powder an hour before meals or by adding more fiber-rich foods in your diet. At a minimum, individuals should consume 25g of fiber a day. Most Americans get 15g of fiber daily through their diet.
Fines and Complaints
The Federal Trade Commission fined the Obesity Research Institute, the makers of Lipozene, in 2005 for misleading claims and advertisements regarding their products. Lipozene is marketed as a fat burner but glucomannan does not burn fat. In addition, the company does not disclose the ingredients of the supplement other than glucomannan.