How to Calculate Calorie Intake to Lose Weight
Things You'll Need
- Scale
- Calculator, or pen and paper
- Diet plan
- account (free)
Calories Required
Estimate your daily caloric needs. Generally speaking, you should lose weight eating around 1,500 calories per day.
Calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) with the following formulas. BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function. We use about 60 percent of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.
Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
Account for your daily activity level. Depending on how active you are, you will need more or less than what the BMR calculation gives you.
Multiply your BMR by 20 (BMR X .20) percent if you have a sedentary lifestyle.
Multiply your BMR by 30 percent (BMR X .30) if you have a lightly active lifestyle.
Multiply your BMR by 40 percent (BMR X .40) if you lead moderately active lifestyle. Moderately active means you follow a regular exercise program.
Multiply your BMR by 50 percent (BMR X .50) if you are very active, exercising intensely on a daily basis for long periods of time.
Multiply your BMR by 60 percent (BMR X .60) if you regularly do hard labor or athletic training.
Add the result of this calculation back to your BMR calculation to determine your daily caloric requirement.
Losing the Weight
Begin tracking the number of calories you consume daily. Tracking your calories requires that you read ingredient labels for caloric content and serving sizes.
Learn the caloric content of your favorite snacks and beverages. There are many Internet sites and books that contain this information. The site has information on many food items.
Compare the amount of calories you're eating to your daily caloric requirement.
Begin eliminating high-calorie foods from your diet on a daily basis. Lower your daily caloric intake until it is less than your daily caloric requirement. This should not be done too drastically, however, but rather slowly over the course of a few weeks.
You must reach a calorie deficit to begin losing weight. How much of a deficit depends on your situation, but remember that 3,500 calories equals 1 pound. A deficit of 500 calories daily should allow you to lose a pound a week (7 X 500 = 3,500).
Weigh yourself on the same day of every week or every two weeks. Use your diary or an online journal such as to track your caloric intake and weight loss. If there is no progress or your progress is slower than what you would like after reaching a 500-calorie deficit, eliminate an additional 250 calories per day from your diet so that your daily deficit is 750 calories.
Increase the number of calories you consume once you have reached your desired weight. This should be done gradually until you are consuming the number of calories dictated by your daily caloric requirement.
You will be healthier and maintain your weight loss if you increase your caloric intake by eating healthier foods and drinking plenty of water.
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