20 Ways to Lose Weight Fast
Getting Started
When starting any weight-loss regimen, it is important to be realistic. People's bodies are built differently, and your plan should be catered to you. Adjust these tips to suit your lifestyle.
1) Count your calories. Knowing how much you consume in a day helps you make adjustments in order to reach your goal weight. Online tools can help you calculate what your daily calorie intake should be and how many calories are in certain foods.
2) Start a food journal. Knowing what you eat will help you meet your goals of taking in the correct amount of calories. Also, keep track of any exercise you do so you can see the balance of eating healthy and exercising to reach your goal weight.
3) Join a gym or start an exercise regimen. Even if you just walk every day, any physical activity will get you on your way.
4) Stay hydrated. Skip the cola and coffee and choose water and juice. Drinking only water cuts out quite a few grams of sugar per day.
5) Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables. Cooking typically adds calories and fat and takes away some vitamins and nutrients; if you instead eat them fresh or boiled you get more of those nutrients without the added fat. If you opt for canned fruit or fruit cups, make sure they are in their natural juices and not in syrup.
6) Pay attention to labels. Even if the packaging says fat free, the food might not be good for you. It is important to pay attention to the calories, fat grams, carbs and sugars in a product. The less processed the food is, most likely the better it is for you.
7) Eat smaller portions. Portion control is hard in a society of super-size. A great tip is to portion out your snacks at the beginning of the week so that when you grab one, you are only eating one serving. Also, use smaller plates and bowls. This cuts down on your intake of food and keeps servings at normal standards.
8) Increase your protein intake, starting your day off with a protein shake or eggs (scrambled or egg whites is best). This helps to keep you fuller longer and to boost your metabolism throughout the day. Eat lean protein such as chicken or fish (grilled or boiled, not fried).
9) Satiate hunger with water. A lot of people confuse hunger with thirst, so next time you think you have the urge to snack, drink a glass of water first. If you are still hungry, eat a small healthy snack.
10) Eat five small meals instead of three large ones. This helps to increase your metabolism as well as give your body a chance to break down the food. The mini meals keep you full throughout the day and help to keep you from overeating.
Taking it up a notch
11) Try going vegetarian. If you stick to a true vegetarian diet of tofu and vegetables, you should shed pounds quickly as meat contains a lot of fat. If you want to take it even further, go vegan, which means you don't eat any animal by-products (i.e. dairy).
12) Go on a detox diet. These usually last anywhere from a week to 28 days and are designed to rid your body of toxins. Detox diets are usually used to kick off a new diet or to drop pounds quickly. (Make sure you follow the detox instructions exactly so as not to starve yourself.)
13) Take a workout class. Yoga is a great way to shape your body and lose weight. Spinning and cardio classes are also popular ways to keep moving.
14) Get plenty of sleep. Getting the recommended eight hours helps your body recharge, leaves you refreshed in the morning and increases your metabolism.
15) Cut back on alcohol. The term "beer belly" exists for a reason. Alcohol contains a lot of empty calories and sugar. If you drink, wine is typically the best route to go, as long as you stick to the recommended amounts.
16) Decrease your carb intake. Skip the bread bowl at the restaurant and avoid pasta. When you eat bread, choose whole wheat.
17) Cook at home instead of eating out. Restaurant food is known for high fat content. Cooking it at home keeps you in control of what goes in the meal, and substituting for healthier options is easier in your own home.
18) Join a group. Groups like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig are popular because they help people stay accountable with weekly weigh-ins and journals. A lot of workplaces are now offering meetings during the lunch hour to keep their employees healthy.
19) Change things up. Everyone hits the plateau point when they are trying to lose weight, but it is important to keep things fresh and new so that you don't get bored and that your body doesn't have time to adjust. Throw in new workouts and foods to try.
20) Hire a personal trainer. They're trained to get your body back into shape. A personal trainer will know exactly what you need to do to lose inches and build strength.
Be happy with yourself
Losing weight is great as long as you are doing it correctly and for the right reasons. Before starting a new diet or exercise regimen, consult your physician. Make sure that your goals are realistic. Come up with a plan based on lifestyle change rather than a fad diet. This will help to keep those pounds off.