Quick Weight Loss Strategies
Eat a healthy breakfast to kick start your metabolism each day. This may include whole grain cereals or toast, egg whites with mushrooms and avocado or a protein shake. Including a high amount of protein in your breakfast will help you to feel full longer. Eat six small meals throughout the day instead of three big meals. Eat a meal or snack every two to three hours.
For dinner and lunch, eat only brown rice and whole meal pasta and bread. Include vegetables and low fat protein foods, such as grilled chicken, fish or tofu in your meals and remember to make the portions small. Eat fruit in between meals. This will keep your body metabolizing food throughout the day.
Drink 12 glasses of water a day to encourage fast weight loss.
Cardiovascular activity is known to burn calories and fat. This includes any activity where the heart rate is increased, such as walking, jogging, swimming, dancing or cycling. Many fitness experts recommend doing between half an hour and one hour of cardiovascular activity to boost the metabolism and achieve faster weight loss results.
Resistance training using weights, or your own body weight such as in lunges, sit ups or push ups, is also recommended at least three times a week. This type of activity builds and tones muscles, and muscle burns fat. Drinking a protein shake after exercise will help the muscles to recover faster.
Metabolic boosts
A variety of herbs are recommended for boosting the metabolism. Ginger and papaya fruit are believed to contain digestive enzymes and help the body to produce more digestive enzymes. These are said to help the body to digest food and eliminate waste from the body.
Cayenne pepper is believed to speed the heart rate, increase blood flow and boost metabolism. Turmeric and mustard seed are said to support the circulatory system and help to stimulate the production of bile in the stomach. This helps food to be digested and eliminated faster. They also help to metabolize fats. Cinnamon is used to balance blood sugar levels, reduce sugar cravings and help the body to metabolize sugar.
Caffeine is also said to increase the heart and boost the metabolism for hours after consuming it. Too much caffeine can add pressure and strain to the nervous system and many health practitioners recommend limiting the intake of coffee to three cups a day. Green tea also contains properties known to speed up the nervous system and boost the metabolism.