What Can Be Done for Loose Skin on Legs?

The only bad part about losing weight is the loose skin that often follows. Baggy skin on the legs---specifically the thigh area---can be a burden. Not only does it make you uncomfortable with wearing shorts and bathing suits in warm weather, but it can also lead to low self-esteem. If you are seeking to reduce the appearance or get rid of saggy skin, several solutions are available for every budget and age.
  1. Facts

    • Loose skin on the legs is often a result of fad diets, dropping a significant amount of weight, or losing weight too fast. Aging is also a factor. According to Columbia University's Healthy Service department, your skin's elasticity should be considered when cutting weight to avoid baggy skin.


    • The least expensive way to reduce excess leg skin is exercise. If you have already lost weight, focus on strength and resistance training. Squats work your thighs and hamstrings, and lunges focus on your thighs and glutes. If you have loose skin in your lower legs, try calf raises. Pilates are also an excellent way to tone your legs. All exercises can be done at home or at a gym.

    Non-Surgical Solutions

    • Several creams and lotions are available in supermarkets and drug stores that claim to tighten loose skin. Over-the-counter creams by Aveeno are a great choice if you have a budget or you can purchase pricier brands such as Philosophy or Bliss. Before investing in any product, research the ingredients. You may want to speak to your doctor for a prescription recommendation. In addition, a healthy diet and water improves skin elasticity. Consume a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and lean meat.

    Surgical Solutions

    • Thigh lift surgery removes excess skin, and according to docshop.com, three types are available: inner, bilateral, and medial lifts. Recovery time is several weeks, and risks include saggy skin and blood clotting. Most insurance companies will not cover plastic surgery so you will have to pay out of pocket or obtain financing with your surgeon. According to talksurgery.com, a thigh lift costs around $4,000.


    • Before starting any exercise program or seeking plastic surgery, consult with your primary physician to verify you are medically fit. Furthermore, if you need assistance with learning exercise form, visit a trainer or a fitness class. It is easy to hurt yourself during strength and resistance training. Exercise and non-surgical solutions will only improve the appearance of loose leg skin.

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