How to Lose Weight in Six Weeks
Things You'll Need
- Calendar
- Water bottle
- Fresh, whole foods
- Low-fat cookbook
- Athletic shoes
- Food and exercise journal
- Calorie-counting reference guide
Mark or highlight six weeks on a calendar. Hang it in a place where it is visible and you are able to easily mark off each day. This will help keep you accountable for your actions and help you stay focused.
Make a nutritional plan and write it down. Focus on whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, lean proteins and healthy fats. If you need help coming up with a healthy plan, find Dietary Guidelines for Americans at Use an online calorie needs calculator to determine approximately how much you can eat per day and still lose weight.
Watch your portion sizes and avoid mindless eating. Cook and prepare your own meals at home. Avoid white sugar, pasta and rice, and instead focus on whole-grain foods. Limit the amount of saturated fat and processed foods you eat. Saturated fat is found in processed foods such as sausage, butter, bacon, chocolate and cheese. Using a low-fat cookbook can make food preparation easier and more fun.
Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water every day. The water can act as an appetite suppressant while helping to rid your body of excess water weight. Carry a water bottle with you for easy fill-up throughout the day.
Include exercise in your weight-loss regimen, for the fastest results. Exercise at least three times per week to boost your metabolism and burn fat. If you notice after week one that you are not losing as fast as you would like, you may need to exercise more frequently or increase your intensity.
Aerobic exercise is one of the most effective ways to burn fat. Tie on a pair of sneakers and take a power walk outside. To tone your body and get stronger, you can incorporate strength training as well. This would be lifting some light weights on the days you are not performing aerobic exercise. By boosting your metabolism through exercise, you will not only see the scale go down, but you will lose inches as well.
Write down everything. Whether it's the exercise you get or the food you consume, write it in your food and exercise journal, which can be as simple as a small notebook. In your food journal, note the time you are eating, what you are eating and how many calories each food contains. In your exercise journal, note the kind of exercise and how long you worked out or how many miles you covered.
Stay within your calorie guidelines for the fastest results. Use a pocket calorie guide along with your food journal to make these calculations. Jot down the caloric value of each food consumed and total them at the end of the day.