Calotren & Weight Loss
Calotren's unique protein formula is said to help the body shed excess body fat while removing harmful toxins and strengthening lean muscle tissue. For those already in shape, Calotren reportedly increases stamina and energy. Calotren even claims to improve skin health and remove wrinkles. Fittingly, the main ingredient in Calotren is collagen. Normally found in skin-care products, collagen is the main protein present in the connective tissues of animals and is often used to strengthen skin elasticity.
Calotren is made of natural ingredients without any chemicals or harmful additives. It's also free of stimulants such as caffeine and ephedra, which means it won't cause rapid heartbeat or jitters.
Time Frame
Calotren is meant to be taken with a glass of water in the evening before sleep. One dose is four pills. No food should be eaten three hours beforehand. For optimum results, the supplement is meant to be used every day for 90 days. The company claims Calotren may also be taken in the morning or before a workout for increased energy.
Unlike other weight loss supplements, Calotren doesn't contain anything in its ingredients to promote thermogenesis, which causes the body to produce heat and lose weight more quickly. Nor does Calotren contain any proven appetite suppressants or fat burners.
The collagen used in Calotren is bovine, meaning it's derived from cows. This would be a concern for those who are vegetarians. Calotren also contains aloe vera, which is a natural laxative.
Calotren doesn't come cheap. A one-month supply of 120 pills retails for between $50 and $60.
There have yet to be any extensive studies conducted on the effectiveness of Calotren. Any weight loss claims are merely anecdotal and are not backed up by any proven scientific research. Top of the World Distributors offers no guarantee on their product's performance. While nothing in Calotren appears to be harmful, there isn't anything in its ingredients to indicate it's capable of delivering weight loss and leaner physiques.