How to Lose Weight by Not Eating After 2 PM
Create a weekly meal plan. Investigate food choices that will help you lose weight. An ideal plan will have three full meals and a snack. Each meal should balance fats, protein, vegetables and starches. Vary the choices, to reduce boredom and the temptation to go off the diet: Eat whole bread one day and brown rice the next. Have salmon one meal and chicken another.
Eat early. If you plan to consume no calories after midafternoon, get a good breakfast that emphasizes protein and whole grains. Try a scrambled egg with an English muffin, a glass of low-fat milk and a piece of fruit. Lunch should be equally filling. Center it around protein such as tuna or turkey. Add two slices of whole-wheat bread, steamed vegetables and a piece of fruit. Aim to finish by 11 a.m. to allow for dinner.
Eat dinner. A good dinner can help your stave off hunger pains later in the day. Grill a small steak. Serve with a baked potato and steamed broccoli with a small helping of butter. Finish by 2 p.m.
Stave off the feeling of hunger before bedtime with exercise and water. Go for a brisk walk if hungry. Drink hot tea or water with ice cubes to feel more sated. Practice meditation. Pay attention to your breathing for five minutes in a dimly lit room while thinking about a peaceful place.