How to Lose Water Weight in 2 Days
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Tea
- Pool
Lose Water Weight
Keep eating. Some people mistakenly believe that if they starve themselves in the couple of days leading up to an event, they will lose weight. While it is true that healthily restricting your calories in the long run will lead to weight loss, this isn't possible to do in a couple of days. Rather than making you lose weight, your body will go into starvation mode and make you retain water. When you retain water you get bloated and may even see a higher number on the scale.
Drink more water. Though it may sound strange, drinking more water actually makes you retain less water. Keep hydrated by drinking eight or more glasses a day. Water will help flush fluids, salt and toxins out of your cells. A dehydrated body will try to preserve itself by retaining as much water as possible, in case it is even longer before a drink of water comes along.
Avoid eating salt and other sodium-containing foods. The obvious foods to avoid are things like chips, pizza and pretzels. However, there are many other high-sodium foods that you might not expect. Many processed and packaged foods contain much more salt than their fresh versions. Also, quick-rising breads like pancakes contain a lot of sodium as well.
Skip the sugar. Salt isn't the only food flavoring that can make you bloated. Eating foods that contain too much sugar can cause insulin levels to spike. This may cause your body to become less efficient at flushing out sodium. Skip sugary sodas, sweetened teas, cookies and candies for a couple of days in order to slim down. Watch out for any sauces, ketchup and barbecue sauces that contain excess sugar.
Beat the bloat by getting active. While it may not be possible to work off pounds of fat in two days at the gym, working out can do wonders for decreasing water weight. Exercising causes you to sweat, which lets a lot of sodium out of the body. Moving your body also helps the lymphatic system to drain. This is important because it drains excess fluid from your cells. Want an even better way to work out? Swimming is a great way to lose water weight because the water pressure pushes fluid out of the body.
Watch what you eat. Besides avoiding excess salt and sugar, there are also foods that you should eat. Some foods have a natural diuretic effect, which causes you to flush water out of your system more efficiently. Anything that is high in fiber can help flush fluids. Also try cabbage, cranberry juice and asparagus for their diuretic properties. Regular black tea and even herbal varieties like dandelion and ginger can help you shed water weight.