Fastest Ways to Lose 10 Pounds
If you want quick weight loss, drink a minimum of eight 8-oz. glasses of water per day. Water is necessary for weight loss to help you feel fuller longer and to get rid of your body's waste. Try to drink ice cold water, which causes your body to burn extra calories to raise the water's temperature. Reduce the amount of sodium in your diet to prevent water retention and aid quick weight loss.
Eat several small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism going. When your body gets too hungry from waiting to eat in between meals, it assumes that it's starving and will actually hold on to fat for survival instead of letting it go through weight loss. Any diet for quick weight loss should also be high in fiber. Like water, foods high in fiber will help you feel full and will aid in removing waste from the body. Foods high in fiber include strawberries, apples, potatoes, broccoli, brown rice, beans and bran.
If you want to cut calories for quick weight loss, eat a diet high in protein. Protein has four calories per gram, which is lower than fat's whopping nine calories per gram. For quick weight loss, eat around 30 to 35 percent of your daily calories from protein. Eat lean protein with no more than 7 percent fat, like sirloin, chicken and turkey without the skin, egg whites and various fish. According to Wellness Resources, protein is the most important calorie that influences your metabolism and thereby your weight loss, while simultaneously improving muscle fitness.
Keep in mind that you should never consume less than 1,050 calories per day. Michael Dansinger, the doctor for NBC's "The Biggest Loser," says diets too low in calories will cause you to burn muscle rather than fat while not providing enough energy to exercise, an essential component for quick weight loss. A good rule of thumb for quick weight loss is to consume seven calories per pound of body weight, reducing as you lose more weight.
Strength training will aid quick weight loss by increasing muscle mass, which burns more calories than fat. However, Dr. Dansinger recommends seven hours per week of cardiovascular exercise, which burns more calories upfront than strength training. To keep the intensity at the level required for quick weight loss, break a sweat early in the workout and continue sweating throughout the hour.
Following a low-calorie diet with an increase in regular exercise will lead to quick weight loss, often 3 to 5 lbs. in the first week and then 2 to 3 lbs. a week after that, according to Dr. Dansinger. However, the problem with quick weight loss is that it requires often extreme efforts that are not sustainable in the long term. Maintaining a low-calorie, high-exercise lifestyle is hard for many people.
Avoid gimmicky or fad diets for quick weight loss that require pills, laxatives or fasts. Most of those plans are not doctor-recommended and can be extremely dangerous to your health. Always consult a physician for questions before you embark on any quick weight-loss plan.