Thermogenesis Weight Loss
The thermogenesis process of the body is directly related to the metabolic rate. When the core temperature of the body is increased, the metabolism is stimulated, which ultimately causes the body to call upon stored fat cells to support the additional energy output. The thermogenesis process can be triggered through certain foods, according to experts at Cornell University.
According to the fitness experts at, the thermogenesis process of the body can be enhanced through the use of caffeine and other stimulants. Thermogenesis supplements normally contain caffeine as its active ingredient, however, such ingredients as green tea, guarana, mate or kola nut are also utilized. When caffeine is consumed, it begins to increase not only the thermogenesis process of the body but also the lipolysis process, which is the act of breaking down fats for energy.
Side Effects
Because caffeine, or alkaloids that are similar to caffeine, are the main active ingredients within thermogentic weight loss supplements, the side effects of these supplements vary from person to person. The main side effect from these products is an increase of caffeine receptors within the spinal cord. As caffeine is regularly introduced into the system, new receptors are created, which ultimately requires a higher dosage of caffeine in order for the effects to remain constant, according to the fitness experts at Those who are sensitive to stimulants may experience nausea, jitters and a lack of concentration while taking a thermogenetic supplement.
The Journal of the American College of Nutrition states that a high protein diet significantly raised the thermogenetic process within the body when compared to a diet that is mainly comprised of carbohydrates and fats. The reason for this is because as the body digests foods, the energy output is increased. While all foods stimulate the thermogenetic process, high protein foods, such as lean meats, require a maximum of 35 percent energy output, while high carbohydrate diets only produce a maximum energy output of 15 percent.
Prior to taking any thermogenetic supplement, speak with your doctor. This is especially important for those who are sensitive to stimulants as an increase of caffeine can cause negative health complications. After an extended period of time of stimulant intake, the body becomes accustomed to these alkaloids, and when you begin to taper off of them side effects, such as headaches, nausea and irritability may occur. While these side effects can be moderately severe, they will ultimately fade as the body reduces the amount of caffeine receptors.