Adipex Weight Loss Pills
The Facts
Adipex works by stimulating the central nervous system to release the norepinephrine that is stored within the brain's nerve terminals, according to the 1997 book "Chronic Disease Syndrome." This increases an individual's energy level and reduces appetite.
The active ingredient in Adipex was originally developed in 1959 and was marketed as a medication to treat hyperactivity and narcolepsy.
Time Frame
Adipex is not intended to be taken for longer than 12 weeks at a time. Extended use of Adipex can decrease its effectiveness.
Adipex and its generic, phentermine, are available in 15mg, 30mg and 37.5mg strengths.
As recently as 2008, Adipex was sold online to the public via internet prescriptions. The Consumer Protection Act of 2008 made it illegal to either sell or purchase Adipex online without a valid prescription from a physician.