Weight-Loss Retreats for Adults
Rapid Weight Loss
You can lose weight rapidly at many retreats. Rapid weight loss occurs because of dramatic, sudden changes. Wellspring Retreats are eight-day programs that produce rapid weight loss using a scientific approach to losing weight that you can maintain once you return home. You lose weight quickly at Birchcreek Health and Weight Loss Retreat because of their aggressive jump start detox process.
Weight-loss retreats help you begin an exercise routine to do once you return home. Exercise is the only way to maintain weight loss, speed up metabolism and energize the body. The "Jump Start Your Life" program at Birchcreek includes guided morning walks on upstate New York mountain trails to get your metabolism going. The program teaches the importance of injury prevention and flexibility by offering stretching and Pilates classes. The exercise options adjust to the fitness level of the individual.
Weight-loss retreats have classes that teach you about diet and nutrition. Hilton Head's weight-loss boot camp includes workshops about nutrition. Attend cooking demonstrations and sessions that teach about grocery shopping. A culinary weight-loss specialist teaches you how to prepare quick, nutritious meals. Learn how to make healthy substitutions in meals, how to shop for staples for your refrigerator and pantry, and how to make the right dietary choices. As a sample of what you should eat when returning home, you eat healthy meals in proper portions.
Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive-behavioral therapy at weight loss retreats helps dieters learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Wellspring Retreats assigns you to a behavioral coach to guide you in your weight loss journey. You attend group therapy sessions with your coach. The interaction with other group members helps you connect with others who are going though the same struggles. Behavioral coaches continue guiding you when you return home. Wellspring coaches work with you for three months via intensive online aftercare programs.
Massage and Spa
Weight-loss retreats not only teach you about dropping pounds, eating healthy and lifestyle changes. You learn the importance of relaxation, stress reduction and caring for your body through therapeutic massages and spa treatments. Massages relieve muscle tissue and increases blood circulation. Birchcreek offers more than 10 kinds of massages, acupuncture and reflexology. You learn that weight loss and health include multiple components.