How to Lose Weight After Depo Provera
Change your diet to healthier food. If gaining weight is a part of the hormone regimen from depo provera, changing diet greatly reduces the chance of weight gain. It also helps you lose the weight. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eat the largest meal during breakfast. Busy people often skip breakfast and eat more calories for lunch or dinner. This alters metabolism of the body. By eating breakfast in the morning, the body expects food in the beginning of the day, so it burns calories instead of storing them. According to Columbia University, eating breakfast in the morning helps fuel the body and improves metabolism.
Count your calories for the day. The basic idea of losing weight is burning more calories than what you consume during the day. Without counting calories, you aren't aware of how many calories you consume. The amount of calories you consume depends on several factors, including height, gender and family history. It's best to consult a physician to find out how many calories you need to consume, and you can count calories to keep track of progress.
Create an exercise plan. Following a daily exercise plan helps you lose weight and burn calories. Exercise also improves the mood. Taking birth control like depo provera can create mood swings, so exercise can help improve your mood and control the behavioral changes.
Take vitamin supplements. Vitamin supplements are important for any diet. Many people cut out important foods to lose weight, but avoiding foods can lead to a loss in important vitamins. Taking a good vitamin supplement from your local grocery store or vitamin shop helps keep the levels of nutrients in the body. These vitamins are essential to healthy weight loss.