Free Ways to Lose Weight
Free Online Resources
Websites like and offer free food diaries, nutrition information, weight loss tips and calorie calculators. You can use these sites to find out how many calories you should consume to lose weight and to get support from others trying lose weight.
Dietary Changes
Get your daily calories from appropriate portions of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean sources of protein. Visit for free nutrition tips and menu plans from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Replace the unhealthy items on your shopping list with healthy foods, and skip the snack-food aisles of the grocery store. If you normally spend money on fast food, consider setting aside the same amount to spend on USDA-recommended foods.
Free Exercise
Adults should spend at least two and a half hours per week doing moderate-intensity aerobic activity, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. You do not have to have a gym membership to get enough exercise to meet your weight-loss goals. Get active by taking a brisk walk, dancing, walking up and down stairs or doing any other free exercise that you enjoy.
Monitor Progress
Using one of the online food diaries suggested above or carry a notepad in your purse or pocket, and jot down what you eat each day. Keeping track of your food intake will help you recognize problem areas in your diet. Write down how many minutes you exercise each day to make sure you are getting enough exercise each week. Regularly review your diet and exercise habits to see if you need to make any adjustments.