Apple Cider Vinegar & Organic Weight Loss
Get Informed
Knowing the benefits or detriments of any of your actions helps to motivate you to either do them or stop doing them. Complete a bit of research to find out what apple cider vinegar has been successful in treating for centuries. Look up testimonials of individuals who have lost weight on apple cider vinegar. Set a goal for yourself based on the facts you discover. Weight loss with any natural remedy is slower than gimmicks and unsafe methods. Expect realistic results based on the experience of others.
Add Water
People who drink apple cider vinegar regularly might be able to down their portions without the aid of water. For the beginner, adding water greatly helps the process. Adjustment to the taste happens over time and is aided by water. Make sure to use a spring water or alkaline water to get the most of your drinking experience.
Three Times Daily
Add two tsp. of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink during each meal. Sip it slowly as you eat. Sipping aids in digestion, even though the temptation is to just down the concoction due to the taste. Don't expect drastic, immediate results from adding vinegar to your diet. This natural cure works slowly but very beneficially over time. Stay in it for the long haul, in spite of the taste.
Try Honey Too
Adding honey to your apple cider vinegar drink makes it sweeter and adds other benefits to your diet. Try mixing the two together. Try agave nectar if the honey is not working for you. Avoid adding sugar as sugar is a toxic food and counterbalances the health effects of adding vinegar to your diet in the first place.