Weight Loss & Candida
Candida Overgrowth
When the beneficial bacteria that control Candida in our bodies are destroyed, the yeast is no longer contained in specific areas and may spread throughout the body. When this type of systemic overgrowth develops, weight gain may occur. Even as Candida spreads through the body, the yeast in the intestinal wall continues to grow, often producing abdominal bloating. According to the National Candida Center, getting Candida under control can eliminate bloating and aid in weight loss.
The most common reason for Candida overgrowth is antibiotic use. Antibiotics kill off the bad bacteria that are producing an infection within the body. But they also kill off the positive bacteria, or probiotics, that keep Candida from spreading. According to Wellsphere.com, use of antibiotics can lead to lifelong intestinal bacteria imbalances.
Weight Gain Cycle
A diet that is high in sugar and refined carbohydrates feeds the Candida, encouraging it to multiply. This results in cravings for more sugar and carbohydrates, which causes you to keep eating these foods and to keep feeding the yeast, which results in weight gain. According to Thecandidadiet.com, these foods also will put stress on your immune system, another factor in weight gain.
Foods to Avoid
A long list of food culprits are associated with Candida overgrowth and its resulting bloating and weight gain. When trying to cleanse the body of systemic yeast overgrowth, avoid aged cheeses, excess sugars, alcohol, caffeine and other stimulants, chocolate, fruits and foods containing gluten. These foods provide a positive living environment for Candida.
Candida overgrowth can be responsible for weight gain in both men and women. According to Candidasupport.com, men can acquire a yeast infection from sexual transmission, diabetes, high sugar and carbohydrate intake and antibiotic use. Although some conventional physicians believe that Candida overgrowth is not a serious condition, natural and alternative health practitioners say that it can contribute to a host of diseases. According to a study published in the American Academy of Pediatrics, systemic infection with Candida in very premature infants is often fatal.