The Side Effects of Rapidcuts
Nausea can occur in some people from the use of Rapidcuts. All weight loss supplements, such as Rapidcuts, have the potential to cause nausea. The nausea generally occurs because the user's body is gaining a tolerance to the ingredients found in Rapidcuts. In most users, the nausea should subside within three to four days of taking the first dose. If nausea continues to occur from the use of Rapidcuts, different diet supplement options should be investigated.
Constipation is a commonly reported side effect from the use of Rapidcuts. Constipation can occur from the use of Rapidcuts because it can increase the amount of fluid excreted from the body via urination and perspiration. To relieve constipation, increase fluid intake and follow a diet that is rich in fiber. For more severe constipation, the use of a laxative or stool softener may offer some relief.
Rapidcuts contains ingredients that cause the metabolic rate to increase. An increased metabolic rate can lead to increased perspiration and urination. If those fluids are not replaced, a person taking Rapidcuts may become dehydrated. It is important to increase your fluid intake when using any supplement that increases the metabolic rate. Athletes and people with a heavy exercise regimen (three to five days a week or more) should be particularly mindful of dehydration. Dehydration can lead to muscle tears, sprains and ligament damage.
Rapidcuts includes the stimulants caffeine, green tea extract and yerba mate. Any product that contains a stimulant may increase heart rate as well as blood pressure. Using a product containing stimulants too close to the time you go to sleep can cause insomnia and other sleep complications to occur. People with preexisting cardiovascular health problems should schedule a consultation with their doctor before using Rapidcuts.
Prescription Drug Interactions
Rapidcuts contains tyramine, which is an ingredient known to interact with MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) medications. The side effects that occur from using Rapidcuts with an MAOI medication include headache, stroke, increased blood pressure and nausea. There is no indication on the packaging informing the consumer of this interaction.