Simple Diet Plan to Lose Weight
How to Begin
The simplest way to lose weight is to control the calories you take in. Not only do you want to take in fewer calories than you burn off to lose weight, but you also want to make smart choices regarding what you take in. Opt for a good combination of lean proteins and carbohydrates. While your body benefits from certain good fats, such as olive oil, you do want to limit the amount of fats you take in to an absolute minimum when trying to lose weight. You may find that meal planning can be a bit tedious, so if you can live with eating similar things for the first few weeks of your diet, you'll find that you will lose weight and may be more enthusiastic to meal plan more extensively. For example, try a bit of low-fat cottage cheese along with fruit for breakfast, grilled chicken salad for lunch and broiled fish with healthy veggies for dinner. You'll want to cut out certain carbs, such as potatoes, pasta and rice initially and focus more on lean meats, fruits and vegetables. As you begin to drop some weight, you may then reincorporate these foods in moderation. Be sure to cut out sugary drinks, such as colas. While many opt for diet sodas, these are not necessarily any better for you. They contain artificial sweeteners, which are harmful and also dehydrate the body. Stick with water for the first couple of weeks and treat yourself with a sweet drink on occasion. You'll definitely want to cut out your alcohol intake, because alcohol contains many calories you don't want in your diet plan.
While it may be difficult to find the time to go to the gym every day, there are activities you can do that will boost your metabolism. If possible, do cardio activities; the best metabolism boosters are running, swimming and aerobic workouts. If you have a more sedentary lifestyle, however, make it a point to take a brisk walk for about 20 minutes a day. For example, if you sit at a desk at work, be sure to take short breaks to stretch your legs, park further away so you have to walk more and take stairs instead of elevators. Small changes in your daily routine along with a healthy diet plan will produce the results you want to see.