Water Fasting to Lose Weight
Facts about Water Fasting
According to the International National Hygiene Society website, water fasting has been something people have done for more than 100 years, primarily for health reasons. Usually, it is a last resort measure on part of individuals who have been in pain for many years. It is supposed to be safe. Dr. Herbert Shelton (1895-1985), one of the founders of the American Natural Hygiene Society, has likely supervised more than 40,000 fasts. Dr. Shelton used to say that "the most vehement objections to fasting are made by those who have never missed a meal in their lives."
Why Water Fast?
The short answer to why you should fast is "that fasting helps the body normalize itself." If you have abused your body for long periods of time, it can serve as a great way to begin leading a healthier lifestyle. This is because it is easier for the body to return to its natural state of balance while under profound rest periods, such as when you are resting and water fasting, than when you are engaging in activity and eating.
Water Fast to Lose Weight
While water fasting is a good introduction to a healthier lifestyle, it is not recommended to use this method as a one-time solution to lose weight. Fasting to lose weight without making any lifestyle changes after the fast is over is worse than a waste of time. Without the lifestyle changes, the person will quickly regain the weight lost during the fast in the form of fat. If you fast for a long time, you will also find that you have lost valuable muscle mass. In other words, you will find yourself even fatter after the fast is over than when you started.
Doing It Right
If you intend to make lifestyle changes after your water fast, you may find water fasting the best road to permanent weight loss. It is recommended that you spend as many days easing into a new healthy lifestyle as you did fasting, meaning five days fasting equals five days to recuperate properly. Eat solid foods such as steamed veggies (yellow squash, broccoli, and so on), fresh fruits like watermelon and blueberries, and yogurt. Stay away from anything spicy or sour or acidic. Also, stick to smaller portions and try enjoying your enhanced senses of how food taste and smell.
It is not safe for everyone to water fast. Women who are pregnant and individuals using certain medications should not fast. Certain liver and kidney disorders, states of extreme weakness or malnutrition, and certain types and stages of cancer are other examples of conditions that are not conducive to fasting.