Side Effects of Hydroxcut
Hydroxycut contains caffeine, yerba mate and green tea extract, all of which are stimulants. In addition, Hydroxycut contains ''proprietary blends'' that do not list their ingredients, so more stimulants may be present. Any product that contains stimulants causes blood pressure and heart rate to rise. Insomnia is also a known side effect of products containing stimulants. People with heart conditions and other cardiovascular health issues should avoid using products that contain stimulants.
Hydroxycut contains ingredients that can cause water weight loss to occur at a rapid rate, such as caffeine and green tea extract. The weight loss is mostly excreted through increased urination and perspiration. When using any product which is known to increase water weight loss, make sure to increase fluid intake (especially water). This will allow the body to function normally and ensure that the muscles in the body have enough water to operate properly.
Constipation is a commonly reported side effect of Hydroxycut use. Constipation arises from a lack of fluids in the body. Without the proper amount of fluids, bowel movements in the body become irregular. To counteract constipation, increase water intake, employ a high fiber diet, and if necessary, use a laxative or stool softener.
Hyrdroxycut can cause nausea to occur in some people. Most medications and supplements carry the potential to cause nausea during the time period when the body is gaining a tolerance to them. It generally takes the body 3 to 4 days to develop a tolerance to a new supplement or medication.
Liver Damage
Hydroxycut has been found to have the potential to cause liver damage by the Food And Drug Administration. Liver damage prevents the body from excreting waste as efficiently as a healthy liver. When using any supplement, make sure to follow the instructions of the packaging and take only the daily recommended amount to avoid an overdose. Excessive fatigue, loss of appetite, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) and abdominal pain are all signs of liver damage.
Hydroxycut has been recalled, and should not be used. Be wary of any retailer or website which is still selling Hyrdroxycut.