10 Best Ways to Lose Weight
Avoid Saturated Fat
The best way to lose weight is to limit saturated fat intake. According to the American Heart Association, saturated fat in a diet should consist of no more than 7 percent of total daily calories. Saturated fat is found in animal products such as beef, veal, poultry fat, lard, pork, lamb, butter, cream and whole milk, as well as certain oils including palm oil and coconut oil.
Cut Calories
Reducing saturated fat intake is one way that you can lose weight, but you can also lose weight by cutting calories in general. If you cut a few hundred calories from your diet each day, then you will be able to lose one pound of fat per week.
Exercise is the best way to burn calories and lose weight. Simply walking is a great way to start. Try going for a walk in your neighborhood or at a local park. After you're comfortable with walking for extended periods of time at a fast pace, you can try your hand at some slow running. Swimming is another great way to lose weight because it burns calories without putting excessive amounts of stress on the body. Swimming is a good alternative for people who have joint problems or that have not exercised in a long time. Whatever method you choose, try to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day.
Eat Only When You're Hungry
Many people eat at certain times out of habit--such as snacking while watching television. Make sure you only eat when you're hungry, not because you're bored or want a distraction.
Find a Weight-Loss Partner
Losing weight can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, especially if you're doing it alone. Find someone who is also trying to lose weight and be that person's weight-loss buddy. You can motivate and encourage each other through the process. If you can't find someone in your neighborhood, try searching online for a weight-loss partner.
Eat Slowly
By chewing your food thoroughly and eating slowly, you will feel full sooner and be less likely to overeat at mealtime.
Watch What You Drink
Drinking large quantities of water is one of the most beneficial things a person can do when trying to lose weight. Drinking water reduces appetite for food and speeds up metabolism, which helps with weight loss. Keep in mind that alcohol is a source of calories and can quickly result in a beer belly--even if beer isn't your drink of choice! Drinking too much soda can also make weight loss very difficult. One eight-ounce can of soda usually contains more than 100 calories.
Keep a Food Journal
Keep a small notebook with you and write down everything you eat. Studies have demonstrated that those who keep a food journal consume fewer calories than those who don't.
Cook Your Own Meals
Pre-packaged food and restaurant food are both higher in fat and calories than most people realize. You'll eat healthier--and be able to control your portion size better--if you cook meals yourself.
Eat Smaller Meals
Eating five small meals throughout the day is better than eating three large meals. By eating small meals more frequently, you will be able to boost your metabolism.