Ways to Burn Body Fat
Interval Training
Anyone who knows anything about exercise has likely heard the term interval training. However, many do not know exactly what this is, how to make it work for them and how beneficial it is for losing body fat fast. When you engage in interval training, you are increasing intensity. Your heart rate skyrockets for a short period of tim, then rapidly decreases for a short period of time. For example, run an all-out sprint as fast as you can for one minute, then walk for two minutes, and repeat the cycle. Or swim two laps around the pool as fast as you can, stop and breathe for two minutes, then repeat. This can be done with almost any cardio exercise you enjoy. Start out only doing a total of 10 or 15 minutes per day if you are not used to exercise. Try walking on a treadmill or in a park for two minutes then jog for two minutes, walk for two minutes, then jog two minutes, etc., for one week. he ext week increase to three-minute intervals, then four minutes the week after. Work your way up to doing 30-minute interval training sessions at least four days a week for best results. Interval training is the best way to burn fat and enhance overall conditioning as quickly as possible.
Fat Burning Foods
There are certain foods that can help speed up fat loss results based on their nutrient content:
1. Foods containing a significant Vitamin C content like oranges, kiwi, grapefruit, tangerines and lemons help burn fat. Vitamin C liquefies fat and aids in releasing it from storage in your cells to be burned more quickly.
2. Calcium found in dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt can aid in weight loss. Calcium helps increase the breakdown of fat in cells, making it easier to burn off.
3. If you can eat chilies and cayenne pepper, you may find yourself dropping fat sooner than expected. These foods contain capsaicin, which has thermogenic properties. It will increase metabolism so fat and calories can be burned more easily.
Work Out In the Morning
There are two main benefits to working out in the morning as opposed to any other time of day: body fat is the source of energy, not carbs, and it revs up your metabolism for the day.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy our body utilizes during exercise. You need to burn reserved body fat stores instead, if fat loss is the goal. We burn carbs during our daily activities and while we are sleeping. When we awaken, carb stores are depleted and body fat must be used for fuel. Do not eat breakfast before a workout. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration but wait until after the workout to eat breakfast.
Morning exercise boosts metabolism and helps keep it revved up for the whole day. This elevation in metabolism will keep you burning calories throughout the day. Of course, you can burn fat in the evening as well but your metabolism will slow down once you go to sleep. Also, working out at night may affect your ability to fall asleep, since exercise energizes the body.