Foods That Are Diuretics
Water Retention
Consuming too much salt or sugar can make the body retain water and fluids and become bloated. Water retention can also be caused by a lack of protein, amino acids and B vitamins.
Using Diuretics
Diuretics are useful for people with edema, which is an accumulation of fluids in the body. Diuretics also work well for people with heart disease and high blood pressure, and women with PMS.
Green tea's high level of caffeine makes it an excellent diuretic. Apple cider vinegar is a good diuretic that stabilizes potassium levels.
Furits and Berries
Watermelon and other melons have a high water content. Tomatoes' high water content helps the kidneys release fluids and toxins. Cranberries fight edema.
Vegetables and Herbs
Asparagus makes the kidneys work harder to flush toxins. Artichokes help the body release excess fluids. Parsley is among the best herbs used as a diuretic. Horseradish is another great herbal diuretic.