Free, Safe Weight Loss Diets
What's a Safe Diet?
Any diet in which the daily calorie count is too low or which severely restricts your food intake, either in the amount allowed or in the kinds of foods you can eat, is unsafe to continue for any longer than a few days. There are also some diets that restrict calories to levels that are too low for even the average sedentary adult, much less one who is active or trying to become more active. If you don't get all the nutrients and calories you need, you are not doing yourself any favors. Your metabolism will slow down. You'll lose energy and not be able to exercise or even go about your daily life in a satisfactory way. They can result in bruises, dry skin, hair loss, nausea and diarrhea.
You should only drop your calories by roughly 500 to 1000 per day when dieting, unless you are told to do otherwise by a doctor.
Vegan Diet
One diet that eliminates many of the culprits that lead to weight gain and obesity is the vegan diet. Veganism is a whole way of living rather than a fad diet, but nevertheless offers a healthier way to eat that can result in weight loss safely. With a vegan diet, you consume no animal products of any kind: no meat, no eggs, no dairy, no lard, no honey. This gets rid of a great many of the factors that lead to obesity in the standard American diet, such as greasy fast foods, high-fat cheeses and salad dressings, and desserts like pudding, pastries and ice cream. You will still need to watch your calories under a vegan diet, but in eliminating animal foods, you should be eating more vegetables of all kinds, leafy greens, fruits and soy products (for protein), which makes for a safe and effective way to weight loss.
The Natural Diet
If you need something more structured, the Natural Diet offers not only a food plan but also advice and information on how to be successful, how to gather food for the diet, and how to transform your kitchen, as well as many recipes. The Natural Diet is based on the idea that the more natural and unprocessed foods you eat, the more you will lose weight, and the healthier you will become. This is no fad starvation diet. You eat three meals a day, plus two "smart snacks." The diet plan also encourages daily exercise.
Thin Thin
More safe and effective weight loss diets are offered at Thin Thin. Thin Thin doesn't promote just one diet; it has sixteen, ordered by calorie count. You can choose anything from a 1000-calorie diet plan up to a 2000-calorie one. There are also pages upon pages of advice about increasing your metabolism, using your favorite foods for better weight loss, healthy eating and fat-burning tips. There are hundreds of recipes and even a "Diet State of America" section, with meal plans and ways to make your favorite regional dishes in a healthier fashion.