Pros & Cons of the Lap Band
What it is
The lap band is an adjustable band that is placed around the top of the stomach to decrease the overall area of the stomach cavity, making it take smaller quantities of food to feel full.
The Procedure
The installation procedure is minimally invasive with the lap band being put into the body through small incisions, aided by the use of a tiny camera and held in place by a few sutures. The patient can usually resume some normal activities in less than a week.
Small adjustments can be made in the doctor's office by injection of saline through a small port under the skin. The minor adjustments make the overall weight loss a comfortable progression for the patient.
Because there are no major internal changes during the lap band procedure, its removal is nearly as simple as the installation. If any problems with the lap band occur, it can be removed, and the patient's stomach will gradually return to how it was before the procedure.
The lap band procedure has many of the same risks for complication and infection as any other form of surgery. To minimize the risk of problems, find a qualified professional to perform your procedure and follow all after-care instructions.