Weight Loss Options
Dieting is an extremely broad category of weight loss options, all of which focus on altering food and calorie intake as a means of instigating weight loss. Two popular diet options include low carb diets, where you eat a large amount of protein instead of carbohydrates, and low fat diets, where fat, which is higher in calories than carbs or protein is avoided. Another option is meal replacements such as Slim Fast shakes, which provide all the essential nutrients the body needs with a minimal amount of calories. Any dieting plan that reduces calorie intake can potentially be effective in creating weight loss: the main issue is whether you will be able to stick to the plan in spite of hunger and cravings for foods forbidden by your plan. For many people, portion control--simply limiting the amount of food eaten at each meal and avoiding gorging and overeating--can be an effective weight loss method.
Exercise and increasing physical fitness can be an excellent and healthy way to lose weight. Losing weight consists of two basic parts: calorie intake and calorie expenditure. Dieting can reduce calorie intake, but unless calorie expenditure exceeds intake, weight will not be lost. Aerobic exercise such as jogging, biking and swimming that can be sustained for 30 minutes or more are the best way to lose weight, since they burn calories steadily for long periods of time. A basic exercise plan for losing weight and getting in shape should consist of three to four workout sessions a week of at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity; the duration of activity should be increased over time as fitness improves. Even if you aren't ready to begin a full on fitness program, making an effort to stay physically active by doing things like walking regularly, gardening and doing household chores can help burn some extra calories.
Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is a category of surgical procedures that are designed to help obese people lose weight. Bariatric surgery should be viewed as a last resort method for weight loss, and doctors will likely require that patients have attempted other weight loss methods before resorting to surgery. Weight loss procedures often function by limiting the effective size of the stomach, such as lap band surgery where a small pocket is created at the top of the stomach using a synthetic band, which can effectively reduce appetite and limit calorie intake. Bariatric surgery can be a good option when weight presents a great health concern.