Fast Effective Weight Loss
Diet Plan
A large part of the weight-loss equation is directly related to how many calories are consumed. You will need to lower the total amount of calories taken in that have no health benefit. One way to make this happen is to lower your salt intake. Items high in sodium (salt) lead to water retention, which creates short-term weight gain. The avoidance of sodas is another area where you can save hundreds of empty calories. These drinks carry about 150 wasted calories per 12 oz can. Drink water instead. Lower your total beef intake. Beef is a good source for protein, but eating too much fatty beef is bad for your health. Limit your beef purchases to lean meat. If it is listed as 90 percent lean meat or greater, it is a good purchase. When cooking, limit your portion size to no more than 3 oz.
The next time you go food shopping, read the nutrition labels. Virtually all food products are required to have a label that lists the calories, fats and other pertinent health data. Start to compare products and select substitute items that are lower in calories and fat. There are certain foods that actually help the body burn fat, such as lemons, limes, grapefruits, broccoli, carrots, apples and watermelon. These items call carry a high content of vitamin C.
Cardio Program
The addition of a cardio program into your weekly routine is a must to generate weight loss. You cannot lose weight unless you burn more calories than you consume. Cardio is a quick way to burn a large amount of calories, and is an activity that allows you to elevate your heart rate above normal for an extended period of time. Cardio can be any of the following activities, among others: running, walking, swimming, cycling, playing sports, and using an elliptical machine. The selected activity should be performed from 20 to 60 continuous minutes per session. The length of your session is determined by current capability and fitness level. When selecting your cardio exercise, be sure to stick with activities you can enjoy at some level. If you pick exercises you dislike doing, the odds of continuing the activity with regularity are very low. This type of workout should be completed three to five days per week.
Strength Training
Strength training is another essential component in the weight-loss formula. The most beneficial aspect of strength building is that large amount of continuous calories you can burn. While cardio burns an impressive amount of calories during exercise, strength-building burns calories during the workout and long after it is finished . After a strength-training program, the muscles break down and rebuild. This muscle response takes energy, which comes from the body burning fat and calories. This muscle activity takes place in the immediate 24-hour cycle following the workout. Lifting weights to lose weight requires the use of light weights and higher reps. Some exercises that you can complete are lunges, squats, push-ups, crunches, bench press, military press and leg raises. You should select about six to eight different exercises and do a total of three full sets consisting of 10 repetitions each. Move from exercise to exercise with limited rest in between. The total amount of time required for this should be between 20 and 40 minutes. You only need to complete this type of workout two or three days per week. Never do your strength-building on consecutive days. The body requires a minimum of 24 hours of rest to rebuild the muscles.