Facts About Weight Loss
According to The Harvard School of Public Health, diets that are lower in calories will result in weight loss regardless of how many carbohydrates, fats, or proteins exist in a person's diet. The Township of Nutley also explains that individuals who keep a calorie journal are more successful at losing weight.
Heart Rate
According to The Journal of Nutrition, exercises that elevate a persons' heart rate significantly result in a decreased amount of body fat and an increased amount of lean muscle mass.
The Township of Nutley has found that people who weigh themselves often are more successful at losing weight than those that do not.
According to the Ohio State University Extension Program, staying hydrated can help with weight loss by reducing a person's appetite and maintaining metabolism.
Safe Weight Loss
According to the Weight-control Information Network, safe weight loss is considered to be losing between 1/2 and 2 pounds per week.