Bowel Detox
Clean Up Your Diet
The first aspect of any cleanse should be the cleaning up of your diet. Eliminate any processed foods, and eat simpler foods during the day. Munch on fruits, vegetables, light protein and nuts because of the fiber in them. You should have one to two servings of fruit during the day, two to three servings of fruit and two servings of nuts or seeds. Organic and raw (uncooked) are best. Flax seeds and almonds are recommended. For the purpose of a colon cleanse, hemp seeds that still have their shell are best (see the link in Resources).
You also might want to supplement with some extra fiber. Taking 5 grams of Psyllium Husk Powder twice a day is great. Take one serving last thing before bed.
Drink Water and Go for Walks
Being dehydrated can make you constipated. It is recommended you drink a minimum of 1/2 oz. per pound of body weight per day, but 1 to 1.5 oz.. is optimal. Walking helps move the body, including the internal organs, and can help stimulate bowel movements. Go for a 20-minute walk every day.
Take a Total Body Cleanser
The Dual-Action Cleanse is a full body cleanse (see link in Resources). It helps to regulate and restore consistent bowel movements. It also helps remove toxins from the wall of the large intestine.